NADES Solutions

NADES Solutions

NADES Solutions is a collaborative R&D company specialising in tailor making high performance natural solvents for pharmaceutical clients.

All new drugs must be dissolved in a liquid to allow delivery to a test subject for analysis. If a compound is insoluble in water (≈ 50% of chemical entities) another delivery solvent must be used.   Most commonly 1% DMSO is used as the delivery solvent. At concentrations of 0.1% DMSO unnatural changes in gene expression occur in the test subject. This is detrimental to drug analysis as it is unclear if the drug causes the effect, the delivery solvent or some combination of the two.

NADES Solutions tailor make natural solvents capable of solubilising compounds insoluble in water. Our solvents are natural and thus do not cause unnatural gene expression in test subjects creating a clear picture of drug activity. Our solvents better show how drugs will perform in their ultimate environment, the human body.

Our solvents conform to GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) requirements, are environmentally friendly and safe for user and subject.